New York Day 1, 30/6
Första dagen i New York var det två stycken som kom till hotellet för att prata om FN:s arbete. Informationen som dom gav oss skulle hjälpa oss att skriva våra tal.
Speech Topic
"Children in the world today face many risks and challenges. Many run households, earn income for support, and have children themselves. They are holders of human rights and are key actors in their own development. They have the greatest potential to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty - given the right tools and opportunities.
"Children in the world today face many risks and challenges. Many run households, earn income for support, and have children themselves. They are holders of human rights and are key actors in their own development. They have the greatest potential to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty - given the right tools and opportunities.
What do you suggest would be the right tools and opportunities as evidenced by the United Nations speakers and why?"

Jim, som har arbetat för FN i Nairobi, Kenya. Han talade om FN:s miljöfrågor. Hur FN jobbar med stater och hur FN hjälper stater att nå målen.

Fifth Avenue
NY hotdog



Rockefeller Center, top of the rock

Liam och Jag

Central park

Liam och Matilda